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What is this plugin?

TL;DR It's a vue plugin that simplifies animating images on load.


This plugin is currently in alpha status. I haven't tested it across all use-cases and scenarios. It may not be production ready just yet.

This plugin more or less does the following:

// For each image element
imageElement.addEventListener("load", (e) => {
  // Animate img here

But this plugin allows you to just slap a simple v-fade directive on the image element, and you're done. Moreover, this plugin also comes with another directive v-fade-auto which can be added to any parent or container element and will automatically grab all child image elements that are visible in the viewport and animate them correctly (i.e. run the animation only when all the images visible in viewport are done loading).

Animating Images on load

When it comes to loading images, depending on the image size, resolution etc. it can take varied amount of time for each image to load. Let's say we wanted to have a subtle staggered fade-in effect on the loaded images here's what happens if you just add an event listener for load event and try to animate the image. See the demo here.

As you can see the animation doesn't exactly look orchestrated and seamless. We can kinda solve this by initiating the animation only when all the images have been loaded. This plugin does exactly that but there's a small caveat, by doing this the animation start time is directly dependent on the largest image in the list (or the time it takes for the largest image to load).

// For each image element
imageElement.addEventListener("load", (e) => {
  if (areAllImagesDoneLoading) {
    // Animate img here

One solution to this can be to only wait for images that would be visible in the viewport to load and animate those in.

// For each image element visible in viewport
// Using InterSectionObserver API
imageElement.addEventListener("load", (e) => {
  if (areAllImagesDoneLoading) {
    // Animate img here

We would also need a fallback timeout to bail out on the waiting of all images in the viewport being loaded since there might be a case where some images in the viewport may load very slowly and the page might look blank for lot longer than we need.

Released under the MIT License.